Days of Covid-19: Community Compassion Daily Posts

Days of Covid-19: Community Compassion Daily Posts

On March 17, 2020, shortly after shelter-in-place was mandated in San Francisco, I wanted to post, on the Power of And facebook page, a daily message about community compassion, self compassion, and something that spoke to the ways people were trying to use their humanity for good. On Day 16, we were told that shelter-in-place would extend at least 5 more weeks. With that news, I wanted to highlight our need for self-compassion and love. Here is that post:

Day 16 #CommunityCompassion...the news has been difficult on many levels and the bright spots, while bright, are sometimes hard to see in all the darkness. While being of service to others, try to be of service to yourself and practice some self-compassion and self-love...a favorite poem:

Can We Be Impartial With Ourselves About Our Money?

Can We Be Impartial With Ourselves About Our Money?

Impartiality is a hot topic in the press these days. The issue of neutrality led me to wonder if we are fair with ourselves. Are we open to new ideas, facts, lessons learned, or are we just critical with our life choices? I posed these questions to my clients as we reviewed their 2019 year-end financial picture and discussed 2020 goals. I, too, need to answer these questions for the same reasons and for the same periods. What follows is some guidance on how you can create your new year/new decade in ways that make sense for your financial goals, while appreciating your life values, principles, money narrative, and thought process.

A Cornucopia for Your Mental Nourishment

A Cornucopia for Your Mental Nourishment

November is the month where we are especially thankful for our bounty, in whatever form it takes. I am grateful for this year’s opportunities for growth, challenge, learning, and listening. In the spirit of the season, I offer you fodder for your nourishment.

Perspective Can Take You Anywhere

We are all in some life transition – either by choice or thrust upon us. It can be hard to appreciate what we know when changes are cascading over us. Put your knowledge in perspective by viewing learning and growth as the contents of three different buckets.

There's No Such Thing As TMI - Tools for the New Year

There's No Such Thing As TMI - Tools for the New Year

I want to open with a personal story: I learned I have a hearing impairment (and tinnitus) at age 48.  For years, I have had to pay closer attention to what people were saying and I increasingly asked questions to add clarity and context to conversations. Between you and me, my hearing “auto-correct” is often hilarious, and nowhere near what the person said!

 Taken out of context, hearing "there is no such thing as too much information," might sound unfortunate. Let me elaborate, and fast. When I consult with financial or philanthropic clients, I often start with the question, "What is your story?" followed by "There is no such thing as TMI." We are taught to self-censor, to keep it short, and I want the exact opposite to happen.

Winter Solstice Thoughts

Winter Solstice Thoughts

Winter Solstice and its message of reflection and renewal ended today. I posted each day for the 4 days…what follows is the collection of the 4 brief essays:

According to Forever Conscious, “The winter solstice celebrates the longest hours of darkness or the rebirth of the sun and is believed to hold powerful energy for regeneration, renewal, and self-reflection…

The winter solstice is a time of quiet energy, where you get the opportunity to look within yourself and focus on what you want and need. It’s a time to set goals and intentions for the coming year, to examine and let go of our past, and to make changes within ourselves. The solstice is essentially tied to personal awakening.